Saturday, 12 July 2014

Getting there!

Well, 1 week in, and its starting to get less crazy here! spent so much time unpacking and sorting everything out, but we are pretty much finished everything inside!

Landscaping starts Monday with a bit more of the block getting cut and leveled, and then retaining walls starting in a couple of weeks!

Tomorrow's task - start hanging some pictures - the walls are very bare!!

Here are a few more happy snaps!

Looking towards the front door and kitchen

Close-up of the kitchen - plus my clock that I bought about 8 months ago!

Main Bathroom

Looking from the kitchen towards our living and alfresco

Master Bedroom - only a couple of boxes left!

Looking from the front door.


  1. Looks great,,its amazing how much better the houses look dressed,,u sound a bit like me, i bought things for the house as soon as we sold our last place, it was a nice suprise unpacking it all,,i forgot so much of it,,,hubby was especially suprised lol, ,,landscaping yuk,,,,we are close to finishing the front retaining walls,,such heavy work,, good luck with urs

  2. Haha, yeah not looking forward to the landscaping. It's going to cost $2k just to cut and level the block, bit over budget but needs to be done. It's really feeling like home now, we are really enjoying the change.

  3. Your wall clock looks fantastic, wondering where you bought!!

  4. I can't even remember I've had it that long! Somewhere in Sydney :)

  5. Hi - we're just in the process of drawing up our plans for the Harmony Entertainer. Great being able to see your pics thanks. Can I ask if you extended the living / kitchen area at all? The size looks great but looks bigger than I'd pictured (which is even better!). Thank you! :)

  6. Hi there, no, our living and kitchen area is all the standard sizes of the altona. We only made bed 1 and the garage a bit deeper.

    Where are you building at?

  7. Thanks ever so much Chris! For some reason I thought yours was the Harmony Entertainer, but obviously its the Altona Entertainer! Looks like the only difference is that its a little bit wider, which makes complete sense! Your house is looking amazing! Are you loving it as much as you expected to?

    1. Sorry forgot to add, we're building in The Hawkesbury, Western Sydney

  8. Yeah it is pretty much the same layout. It's been 2 months and so far so good!! Hope everything goes smooth with yours!!

  9. Hi Chris, your house looks amazing.
    Can I ask what is the paint colour in the kitchen?

  10. Thanks Melissa. The dark colour is donkey 1/4 strength and the light one is kid leather. Most of our walls are kid leather apart from 2 feature walls with the donkey.

  11. Hi Chris,

    Was browsing your blog and really liked the wall clock in the kitchen. Do you mind sharing where did you buy it from?


  12. I'm pretty sure it was from Poco at Blacktown but can't be entirely sure. It's hard to read sometimes but I love it!

    1. Thanks Mate. We have a poco store open nearby as well. Will have a look. Its all about the look :)
