Monday, 31 March 2014


We've obviously lost a bit of time due to the rain last week.
Since the last post we have had our windows and gutters installed and bricks delivered. Today we had our plumbing rough in.

All getting there!


  1. Looking good,,,doesnt take long to get out of the ground,,this bit is so exciting,,it all happens so quick,,i must admit, the inside stuff seems to take for ever,,,but on the other hand, all ur choices coming to life is pretty cool :-) hope the weather gets better this week for ya

  2. Yeah with a week of rain, I can't complain with what they've done in 4 weeks! Yours must be close to handover, end of April surely?

  3. Still raining in your place? looking forward to see your bricks, cant wait

  4. Yeah rain can definately slow things up,,,,we were really hoping for a mid april hand over,,but only because its our wedding anniversary then,,,we told our ss,,he said we,ll see,,lol,,,,we r doing flooring after hand over,,so we should b in a little quicker, ,hopefully,,i love my kids, but its different living in there house and there rules lol
