Tuesday, 29 April 2014

More progress!

Went up on the weekend for a look now that the roof and bricks are done and we are both very happy with how it is looking.

Since then, we have had a bit more progress including down pipes, meter box, electrical rough in (outside at least) and framework for the panelling above the garage door.

Spoke to our SS this week who said they should start gyprock by end of the week.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

We have a roof!

After speaking to our SS last week, we were expecting the roof to go up after Anzac. Much to our surprise, the roof was completed today!

Super happy that we are nearly at lock up stage, and really happy with our choices so far. Really looking forward to the next few days to see how much it changes before we head up on Sunday.

Anyway - bit of a picture overload here;

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Bricks are done, time for a roof!

After getting a 13 day contract extension due to rain, we finally have our bricks done!
It's a pic from yesterday before the front column was done,

Today we had our roof tiles delivered and the trades were prepping everything to start the tiles!

Feeling more like a home every day!

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Today's visit - Bricks nearly finished

Looking good for bricks to be finished by Easter, with 1 side and the back of the house done, and only part of 1 side and the front left to do.

We were also able to have a bit of a walk around inside to have a closer look at everything.

Eastern Side completed - apart from garage

Back corner and alfresco all bricked

From the front - still missing a lot of bricks.

One issue that we did pick up was our washing machine taps have been installed too high. These are supposed to be 700mm AFL to be under bench, but have clearly been installed too high. Have sent an email to Allworth to ensure this gets sorted - very glad I picked this up early on! 

Wont be heading up for a couple of weeks, so with any luck will have a roof by the next visit!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

More Bricks

After a few more days rain, we were able to get some more bricks done - and a decent amount done today!
Certainly starting to come together.
                                                              Front corner looking up
Close up of the bricks

                                          Looking from the back toward the living and kitchen

We also had Allworth pick up on a potential issue with our WIP - as we have added a door, rather than left it as an opening, the door would've been in the way of the pantry meaning we would've had to close ourselves in the WIP to get into the pantry - very glad they picked up on that!

Thursday, 3 April 2014


After losing a bit of time due to rain, with rain due over the next 4 days they have started our bricks!
Only seen a photo so far, but certainly happy with our colour choice! (Pgh sorbetto)