Saturday, 12 April 2014

Today's visit - Bricks nearly finished

Looking good for bricks to be finished by Easter, with 1 side and the back of the house done, and only part of 1 side and the front left to do.

We were also able to have a bit of a walk around inside to have a closer look at everything.

Eastern Side completed - apart from garage

Back corner and alfresco all bricked

From the front - still missing a lot of bricks.

One issue that we did pick up was our washing machine taps have been installed too high. These are supposed to be 700mm AFL to be under bench, but have clearly been installed too high. Have sent an email to Allworth to ensure this gets sorted - very glad I picked this up early on! 

Wont be heading up for a couple of weeks, so with any luck will have a roof by the next visit!


  1. Looking good,,,we also asked to have our washing machine outlets to be under the bench,,they said no,,thats not the way they do it,,,we bought a front loader and didnt want to see the ugly taps above the bench,,,,so hopefully they will change it for you,,,but allworth have a lot of old fashioned ways and dont like change,,,good luck with it though,,,,

  2. Well they didn't have an issue when we requested it or signed it off with our contract so they better!! Are you ready for handover?

  3. looks nice chris, Did you fixed taps issue?

  4. We didnt do it as a variation,forgot, we asked the ss when they were doing the plumbing,,,they really are sticklers for the rules sometimes lol,,and a s far as hand over,,NO not really,,,we actually went to site today and put our clothes line up, and laid a concrete pad for the ac unit to sit on,,and hubby laid alot of wires in the ceiling for all the lighting and gadgets, ,but as far as packing goes, ,i cant get motivated,,a little sad, we have 4 boys, we are bunked in with one of them, so when we move we will be by our selves for the first time in 28 years,,they have all flown the nest,,the house will stay so tidy,,,i hope lol,,,hope the weather is kind to u guys this week ,,have a good one :-)

  5. No Cameron, only found out today so just emailed Kimberly. Ann, packing is never fun... Not looking forward to that part!

  6. Spoke to our ss today, plumber will be back out soon to fix the taps. Without rain bricks will be done Wednesday!
